Acts 8:17 "Then they began laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Sprit"
Day Seven Wellness Center is a licensed and board certified faith-based multi-service wellness center providing whole health services of mind, body, spirit through Ministry, Preliminary/ Preventative Holistic Health Care, Mental and Physical Wellness, Prenatal/ Postpartum Wellness, Doula Services, and Life Coaching. Day Seven was created through inspiration by Naturopathic Doctor, Author, Spiritual and Emotional Wellness Expert, Dr. Portia Dianne Lee, NSM, CHHP.

Through our active practice, we have proven these combinations of services are effective and life changing. We aim to leave each client with the knowledge and methods to sustain aspects of balanced and healthy lifestyles by becoming part of a larger mind, body, spirit lifestyle continuum.
Rest and Relaxation
Healing and calming the emotional body.
Inner Child Healing
Healing trauma and systemic abuse
Healing the Heart and Spirit
Learning and practicing forgiveness
techniques and releasing grief.
Setting healthy boundaries.
Increasing self-esteem, embracing accountability, self-awareness, breaking the chains of depravation (Children and Adults)
Joy and Bliss
Sustaining self-confidence, embracing happiness.
Additional Support
Healthy Relationships
Spiritual Maintenance
Generational Healing
Breaking Addictive Behaviors
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